Hai Lab

Hai Lab

We develop and apply minimally invasive sensors to gain a broader understanding of brain function

The Hai lab focuses on engineering minimally invasive tools to access the nervous system for neurobiological studies of brain function. We develop electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic sensors for electrophysiology, and for wireless modalities such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, magnetometry and more. We use nanolithography and surface chemistry techniques and combine them with in vitro and in vivo neuroscience towards a broader understanding of the principles underlying neural network activity.

Visit the Hai Lab website by clicking here!

What We're Up To

  • Injectable electronic sensors for neural recording without surgical implantation
  • Application of radio frequency neural probes for functional MRI
  • Novel magnetic particles for brain imaging
  • Fabrication and validation of devices that enhance magnetoencephalography
  • Development of devices for wireless brain stimulation


Avid Hai Headshot

Aviad Hai

Assistant Professor


Ilhan Bok

Position title: PhD

Email: ibok@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 395-8614

Ilhan is a Postdoctoral research associate who works with traumatic brain injury (TBI), post traumatic epilepsy, and radiological analysis. Ilhan has been working on the TRACK-TBI (Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in TBI) project, an…

Xiaoxuan Ren

Position title: Masters Student

Email: xren37@wisc.edu

Phone: (608)960-1316

Xiaoxuan is an undergrad at UW Madison who has been with the Hai lab for 2 years. Xiaoxuan works on computational models of neural networks. Xiaoxuan loves to travel, read and loves her pets (including…

Adam Vareberg

Position title: PhD Student

Email: vareberg@wisc.edu

Phone: (701) 239-9757

Adam is a first-year PhD student in the Hai lab. Adam is working on adapting new devices and computational methods to decipher brain networks based on low-temporal resolution measurements relevant to MRI. He is interested…

TShawn Zhu

Position title: Research Assistant

Phone: (608)556-0284

TShawn is a graduate student in Biomedical Engineering working on patterning the fractal micro-resonator. He is interested in developing  implantable microdevices for brain implantation.