Williams Lab

Williams Lab

The Williams lab goal is to develop novel devices for recording from and stimulating neural tissue (central and peripheral nervous system) that are both safe and durable for long-term use in animal models and human patients. The lab fabricates and validates the use of these novel devices in bench top testing, in vitro and in vivo animal models and analyzes the biological response to the implanted devices. Another area the lab focuses on is creation of novel microfluidic and micropatterned devices to aid in neuron and glial cell culture research. An objective of the lab is to learn how neurons and glia respond to electric fields to better guide neuronal growth and understand underlying mechanisms of neuromodulation. An additional aim is to investigate how neuromodulation affects the lymphatic systems of the nervous systems to aid in neurodegenerative disorder treatments.

What We're Up To


  • Continual development of the microECoG arrays, including CLEAR microECoG, and other novel materials, for maximum biocompatibility and for use in recording and stimulation of neural tissue
  • Fabrication of novel electrode designs that can access deeper regions of the brain
  • Fabrication of novel electrode designs that can facilitate neuromodulation from the periphery through less invasive means
  • Using novel electrode technologies in a variety of situations from use in a basic physiology lab recording from single neurons, to clinical settings where people with motor disabilities might benefit from a brain-computer interface or other neural prosthetic neural communication device
  • Investigating how microglia and other glia are affected by electrical stimulation during various neuromodulation methods from the central peripheral nervous systems
  • Patterning of substrates to promote neuronal guidance

Justin Williams Headshot

Justin Williams

Professor, BME


Kshirin "Rini" Anand

Credentials: Undergraduate

Position title: Undergraduate Researcher

Email: kmanand@wisc.edu

Kshirin is an eager undergraduate student studying Biomedical Engineering. She is interested in applying her knowledge to create helpful real-world applications. Kshirin also likes to go to the gym, watch mystery movies, and travel whenever…

Sarah Brodnick

Credentials: M.S.

Position title: Researcher

Email: skkorinek@wisc.edu

Phone: (608)262-4568

Sarah finds joy in helping other scientists and labs work towards their goals and advance the field of neuroengineering. In her role managing the William’s research lab she is able to find that joy every…

Rex Chin-Hao Chen

Position title: PhD Student

Email: rchen328@wisc.edu

Phone: (414)949-7390

Rex is currently focusing on using photoacoustic imaging to visualize the peripheral nerve cross-section. His drive to solve any puzzle set before him has led him to look for all possible ways that we can…

Kevin Cheng

Position title: Scientist

Email: kpcheng@wisc.edu

Phone: (608)262-9411

Kevin completed his undergraduate degree at Purdue University and his MS and PhD in Biomedical Engineering at UW Madison. Kevin designs, implements and runs experiments and new methods across the lab. Kevin looks forward to…

Jack Kegel

Position title: PhD Student

Email: jkegel@wisc.du

Jack is a researcher specializing in glial cell behavior. In addition to glial cells and glymphatic projects, Jack plays classical piano and creative writing. A Jack of all trades you might say.

Maria LaLuzerne

Position title: Research Specialist

Email: mlaluzerne@wisc.edu

Phone: (608)890-1918

Maria has been with the lab since 2018. She is a townie, born and raised about 5 miles away from the UW campus. She completed her B.S. at the UW and previously worked for the…