Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Evan Nicolai who graduated from the Mayo Clinic BME program last week. Evan graduated with 14 papers published during his PhD, 4 first-author, and a fifth first-author paper about to go out the door. From just his PhD work, he already has an H-index of 10. All of this was done with his original jackass PI (me) moving from Mayo to UW-Madison a few years into his PhD, and under the spectre of COVID. He was also largely responsible (along with Bruce Knudsen Megan Settell, PhD Erika Ross Ellison and James Trevathan) for developing our comprehensively instrumented vagus/carotid sinus nerve experimental preparations that have been critical for nearly $50M in grant/contract funding since 2018. He is looking for his next step (industry, post-doc), for those who may have a position available.
A huge thank you to Greg Worrell and his lab for giving Evan a home at Mayo to finish his PhD after we left.