Congrats to Dr. Nicolai

Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Evan Nicolai who graduated from the Mayo Clinic BME program last week. Evan graduated with 14 papers published during his PhD, 4 first-author, and a fifth first-author paper about to go …

Dr. Ludwig weighs in on Neuralink

WITNe co-director, Kip Ludwig, weighed in on Neuralink in an article published by Reuters. Read the full Reuters article here. “Exclusive: Musk’s Neuralink valued at about $5 blm despite long road to market – Rachel Levy, …

Dr. Ludwig Is On Our Summer Reading List

Sally Adee’s new book “We Are Electric: inside the 200 year hunt for our body’s bioelectric code, and what the future holds” (published Spring 2023) lives up to it’s title; and from a purely narcissistic …

Achieving Scientific Rigor the WITNe Way

WITNe co-director, Dr. Kip Ludwig, was featured on the SfN website with an article regarding the challenges and joys of building a lab culture of continual improvement. In the WITNe labs Dr. Ludwig emphasizes diversity …